Seeds of Change
The circumstances that describe our lives today don’t define our lives forever.
Our experience of daily life is largely related to temporary circumstances: health, income, relationships, creative and work opportunities, to name a few. Similarly, our genetics and the way we were raised provide a context that exerts important and lifelong influence. Significant as all of these realities may be, though, they aren’t the last word. Life circumstances and background do certainly contribute necessary raw materials for our cultivation but are not sufficiently powerful to cause our success or failure over the long term.
We plant seeds of potential change in the soil of our present circumstances when we make choices and invest efforts. Our intentions create space for new opportunities and genuine growth. My ability to prompt short term change to my circumstances may be maddeningly limited, but I find hope in the fact that my daily contributions to change - like small investments over time, or the consistent weeding and watering of a garden - can produce exponential results in the long run.